Career Assessments Are Self-Exploration Tools
The Career Assessments are used as screening tools and are non-psychological in nature and are not used for diagnosis or any form of clinical evaluation.
Purpose of Career Assessments
Career assessments serve as a catalyst for deeper self-understanding. They help you explore your values, strengths, interests, and preferences. The primary goal is to facilitate a thoughtful inquiry into your personal and professional identity.
Through this process, you'll gain valuable insights that can guide your career choices and help you identify paths that align with who you are and what you want to achieve.
These assessments are about empowering you to make informed decisions. They provide a structured way to reflect on your career journey, uncover patterns, and clarify your goals.
The insights gained from these self-assessments become the foundation for our collaborative work, helping to shape a career path that feels authentic and fulfilling to you.
Why Career Assessments?
To answer the following questions:
WHO am I?
Reveal your personality type or confirm your true work identity
WHY do I want to work?
Develp you mission statement defining the meaning behind your work
WHAT do I want to do?
Identify how you operate in your ideal work setting
WHERE do I want to do it?
Describe your ideal work setting
What Assessments Are Available?
There are a number of different assessment reports available based on client need. Below is a list of career assessments that are available for completion.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Strong Interest Inventory (SII)
Career Interest Profiler
Career Values Scale
Work Personality Index
Career Aptitude
DISC Profile
Big Five Personality Profile
Enneagram for the Workplace
What You'll Learn
Learn your natural and preferred way of using your mind and directing your energy. Identify work interests, work tasks, and ideal work environment. Identify your values and the part they play in your work. Understand your work style and your approach to solving problems, managing change, and dealing with stress.
How to Take Career Assessments
Career assessments are explained by the therapist before being administered. All career assessments are sent by the therapist to the client via email for the client to complete independently. After completion, all assessments produce a personalized report that is interpreted by the therapist in collaboration with the client. Career assessments can be completed at any point upon request. Career assessments can be requested on their own or as part of Career Counselling.
Reach out and book a free consultation to discuss which career assessment(s) are right for you!